Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How to Stop the Struggle with Mom Guilt!

How to Stop the Struggle with Mom Guilt

Hey friends!  Boy do I have a great interview to bring you!  A couple weeks ago I met with Tiffany Wynn to talk about Mom Guilt.  I think this is a topic that most any mom can relate to.  I know the struggle is real!!  Just the day I was interviewing Tiffany, I had a severe case of Mom Guilt!  My kids were on Spring Break, and although I had a bunch of fun stuff planned that we were going to do together, I had to get some work done one morning.  This is normally not a problem, as my kids like their mornings to themselves anyways.  But suddenly my son walked in and said, “Mom, whatcha doin’?”, and I instantly felt guilty for working.  They’re on spring break!  I can work when they’re at school!  You’re not a good mom!

Ugh.  These thoughts make you feel awful as a mom!!  That’s why I am so excited to share this interview with you.  Tiffany is a behavior change specialist and life coach that helps moms get off the struggle bus and find ease and joy in the chaos of motherhood.  Some of my favorite things she talks about in this interview about overcoming Mom Guilt:

  • How to develop ‘Momfidence’ for the day
  • Balance is a lie – we have seasons where priorities are different
  • We do NOT have to be with our children 24/7 in order to be a good parent

Catch her interview below!

To connect with Tiffany, you can check out The Mindset Mama podcast, head to her blog, and connect with her on Instagram.

And to be the first to watch interviews like this, join my Topknot Girls Community!

I hope you love this interview as much as I did!

*Disclaimer:  The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Statements, products, and techniques mentioned have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Read the full disclaimer here.

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