Friday, March 8, 2019

An Introduction to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping)

Introduction to EFT Tapping

Have you heard of EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping? (hint: they’re all the same thing!)  I have been using tapping for a couple years now with amazing results, and I think it’s a tool that everyone should know about!  Tapping can be used for SO many different things, and I love that people are becoming more aware of this technique!  Anxious thoughts and feelings, limiting beliefs, anxiety around a specific situation, and toxic/trapped emotions can all be helped with tapping.  Dealing with our emotions is SO important to our mental AND physical health.  If you missed my video on how toxic emotions can lead to dysfunction in the body and make us sick, check out my video here.  Tapping is just another tool we can use to help deal with emotions, and I’m so thankful to have this tool in my tool belt, for myself AND my kids!!!

This technique literally involves tapping on different acupressure points along our body’s meridian system.  I have used it very successfully for several issues, and I’ve used it for my daughter surrounding a lot of anxiousness about school.  I want YOU to know about it, too, so I invited my now-friend and EFT/Tapping Practitioner Casey into the Topknot Girls Community to share about what tapping is, how to do it, and how you can use it!  Below is the replay of our session.

If you want to know more about tapping or even schedule an online session, you can connect with Casey at her Crunchy Munchy Moms FB group.  Nick Ortner’s resources are also great, such as The Tapping Solution website and his main book The Tapping Solution.

And be sure to join the Topknot Girls community on Facebook, where you’ll be the first to learn about great tools and resources like this!!  :)

*Disclaimer:  The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Statements, products, and techniques mentioned have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Read the full disclaimer here.

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