Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Topknot Girls is Now Open!

Topknot Girls Announcement

Friends!  I am SO excited about our new community on Facebook, The Well-Oiled Life ~ Topknot Girls!!! This is a group that I’ve had in my mind for quite a while, and it finally has ‘legs’! :)

Topknot Girls is a group that provides a connected community and resources for women who want to raise their families and businesses well – For the girl who throws a topknot in her hair and works on building a life she loves! We’ll have tips on home organization, time management, style, technology, working from home… all the things that keep life running smoothly while building a life we love!

My vision is to have different experts in the group that we can all learn from. For instance, our first ‘class’ will be all about the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is a technique that helped my daughter tremendously last year when she was struggling with anxiousness about going to school.  My goal for this group (and for the new direction of my website altogether!) is to connect you with tools that may help you on your journey to building a life you love.  I am so excited about this!!  I hope you join us in the Topknot Girls Facebook group here!  All are welcome!

Below is a short video I recorded about the group as well, hope to see you there!  :)

*Disclaimer:  The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Statements, products, and techniques mentioned have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Read the full disclaimer here.

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