Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Break Out of the Yoga Pants Rut! Style Advice from Alison Lumbatis

I was so darn excited about this interview with Alison from Get Your Pretty On!  Now the actual interview didn’t go as planned, as we had some technical difficulties in doing it together – but Alison was such a pro that she took the list of interview questions I sent her and hopped on video to answer them all!

I love what Alison does, she helps you simplify your closet with basic staples & seasonal trends, and teaches you how to pair them every day. This technique is called a ‘capsule wardrobe’, and it’s awesome!

If you’re a total NON-pro at fashion like myself, you’re gonna love this!  Someone telling me what to buy and how to pair it all up? Sold!!!

Some of the questions Alison answered in the interview for us:

  • What got you started thinking about using capsule wardrobes – were you a former yoga pants mama, too?!
  • Tips for girls who work from home and want to be comfortable but still want to look put together
  • Tips for girls who don’t like to shop
  • Best tips for dressing body parts you don’t love
  • Discuss what a capsule wardrobe is and the benefits

At the time of the interview, Alison just launched her Spring Challenge, you can see her most current challenge here.  She was also kind enough to give our Topknot Girls community a freebie download of wardrobe staples! Click here for the freebie.

To be the first to see these types of videos, be sure to join our Topknot Girls Community!

Without further ado, here is the interview!

If you have ideas for upcoming interviews, drop me a note or leave a comment below.  And be sure to share with your friends!!  Thanks for watching!

*Disclaimer:  The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Statements, products, and techniques mentioned have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Read the full disclaimer here.

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