Tuesday, September 8, 2020

How to Make an Essential Oil Diffuser Bomb

How to Make an Essential Oil Diffuser Bomb

Diffuser bombs… I am loving this concept!  So simple.  In a nutshell, you take your favorite diffuser combos and put them into one bottle.  When it’s time to fill your diffuser, rather than hunting around your house for all your oils, just use the oils from your diffuser bomb bottle.  Or am I the only one who’s like, “Where’d I put the Northern Lights/Peppermint/Palmarosa/Eucalyptus/etc.?”  I use the oils for all sorts of things around my house, and making bottles of your favorite diffuser combos just keeps things so easy!  Here is a quick video on what this looks like:

You can buy larger bottles (1 or 2 ounce) if you want to make a large quantity, but I just use my empty 15ml bottles plus a glass dropper from Amazon, and then my favorite label maker so I know what’s in there!

Today I made a diffuser bomb called ‘Fall’ with equal parts Thieves, Orange, and Lime.  It smells like a fall candle!

You can make any of your favorite diffuser recipes into a diffuser bomb, here are a few awesome combos:

  • Fall: Thieves + Orange + Lime
  • Spa: Eucalyptus Radiata + Spearmint + Lime or Clary Sage
  • Pumpkin Spice: 3 drops each Clove + Cinnamon Bark, Orange + 1 drop each Ginger + Nutmeg (multiply for diffuser bomb)
  • Aveda: Rosemary + Orange + Ylang Ylang + Peppermint + Lavender + Bergamot
  • Aveda Spa: Lavender + Rosemary + Marjoram + Bergamot + Orange + Ylang Ylang
  • Luscious Lemon : 2 drops each Lemon + Lemon Myrtle + Eucalyptus + Ylang Ylang + 1 drop each Spearmint + Cinnamon Bark (multiply for diffuser bomb)
  • Anthro: Rosemary + Lime + Tangerine + Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood + Lemon Myrtle
  • Fall Anthro: Christmas Spirit + Clove + Bergamot + Grapefruit

Do you already do this?!  Seems like common sense, but I just started, ha!!!  Diffusing essential oils is one of the first simple steps you can take to detoxing your home.  Ditch the toxic candles and diffuse instead!

If you don’t already have a Young Living discount, you can get your starter kit and discount here.  Plants are awesome!

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