Saturday, September 5, 2020

Back to School Essential Oil Recipes

Essential Oils for Back to School

This school year is so different for most of us, and many of us parents are finding ourselves as the TEACHERS!  Check out some of these great essential oil recipes to get you (whether you’re a parent or a teacher… or both!) and your kids through the school day.


First up, so many schools are requiring masks. :(  If this is a necessity for your kids, you can roll some oils on that promote focus and clarity AND that contain sesquiterpenes, which increase oxygen in the brain. 🙌🏻  Because if you’re wearing a mask, fresh oxygen is in short supply!  Here’s a mask roll-on recipe for all you mamas doing all you can to help your kids through this trying time.

Essential Oil Mask Roll On

Did you know that sesquiterpenes can increase levels of oxygen in the brain?  Sesquiterpenes are found in high amounts in Frankincense, Cedarwood, Vetiver, Sandalwood, and Patchouli.  Get that oxygen to the brain!

Sesquiterpenes increase oxygen to the brain

Parents and teachers… sometimes you need an energy pick-me-up.  Make yourself a NingXia Bomb… energy that won’t leave you with the jitters!

NingXia Bomb - Focus Energy Drink

In the classroom or at home, Thieves cleaner is a must for effectively cleaning without harsh chemicals.  Just one bottle of concentrate makes about 29 bottles of cleaner, making this the safest, most economical, effective cleaner I know of!

Safe and Effective Natural Thieves Cleaner

Need to wipe some things down?  Make some DIY wipes with your Thieves Cleaner and your oils!  Check out this recipe:

DIY Thieves Wipes

Next, check out these diffuser and roll-on recipes perfect for the classroom, whether that’s in a school or at your kitchen table.

Classroom Diffuser and Rollon Recipes

Are you or the kids lacking creativity?  Try this in your diffuser or in a roll on.

Inspiring Creativity Essential Oil Roll On or Diffuser Recipe

Too much math or thinking?  Use this essential oil blend to relax your mind, help you focus, and reduce tension in your head and neck.

Roll on recipe to relax the mind and reduce tension in the neck and head

Diffuser bombs are up next… these are AWESOME!  How often do you make your favorite diffuser combos?! Why not combine them in a bottle so you can just drop them in, already combined?! Genius!  Here is a great recipe to freshen the air.

Clean Air Diffuser Bomb Recipe

Test time?! Use this essential oil diffuser bomb recipe to promote focus!  Peppermint and rosemary have been clinically studied for their effects on memory!

Test Time Diffuser Bomb Essential Oil Recipe

Is there a little too much pent up energy in your classroom?  Put some calming oils in your diffuser to help.  Check out this Calm Classroom diffuser bomb recipe.

Calm Classroom Diffuser Bomb essential oil recipe

Whether you are the teacher or someone else is, these awesome essential oil rollers are much appreciated by teachers!

  • Tranquil – contains calming oils. Roll on during the day to feel calmer, or use before bed.
  • Deep Relief – rub on tired muscles at the end of the day, or rub on temples and forehead for tension relief.
  • Thieves – use this on the bottoms of feet.  Thieves essential oil blend is helpful for immune and respiratory support.
  • Breathe Again – just what the name implies.  Rub on chest or sinuses.
  • Rutavala – helpful for sleep.
  • Stress Away – just what the name suggests.  Use throughout the day on wrists and back of the neck as needed.  Bonus is it smells yummy because of the vanilla!

Essential Oil Roll ons for Teachers

This school year looks different than all other years for most of us, but our essential oils are a tool that can help us make the best of it!  If you don’t already have real oils, grab your starter kit here.  I’d love to welcome you to our fabulous community and help you transform your health!

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