Monday, October 19, 2020

Young Living KidScents Starter Kit!

Young Living Kidscents Starter Kit

Have you heard about Young Living’s new KidScents Starter Kit?!  What a fabulous way to support the littlest members of your family.  All of the KidScents oils are pre-diluted for kids ages 2 and up.  This kit gives you everything you need to get started, let’s take a look at what’s included:

Feather the Owl Diffuser

This kid-perfect Feather the Owl Diffuser is included with this starter kit!  Diffusing is a fabulous way to start using essential oils around your kids.  It’s particularly helpful when you want to help calm your kids down at the end of the night (add SleepyIze!), help them focus (add GeneYus!), or help them breathe nice and clearly (add SniffleEase!).  This diffuser also comes with a night light option and 5 white noise options.


GeneYus essential oil blend was created to help kids focus.  This blend can help kids who are distracted easily, and it can also help kids focus on a task like homework.  It can be used in the diffuser, or you can roll it on the back of your child’s neck, feet, wrists, or spine.  You can also add it to diffuser jewelry.


Owie essential oil blend is perfect for boo-boos and minor skin irritations! You can apply this topically, as it contains cooling, calming, skin-supporting oils.


TummyGize is one of my favorite oils even as an adult, I like to use it in place of DiGize sometimes because it smells better, ha!  This blend is awesome when applied topically on little ones’ tummies, for any minor upset.  It contains refreshing oils like spearmint, peppermint, ginger, and tangerine and works SO WELL at calming troubled tummies!


SniffleEase essential oil blend is perfect for sniffles and stuffiness, as it provides soothing vapors that help to calm breathing.  You can use this in the diffuser, and you can also apply it topically to the chest and throat, as well as on the spine or feet.  This blend contains Young Living’s RC blend, plus Lavender, Eucalyptus Blue, and other soothing oils.


SleepyIze is another one of my favorites, I keep this one on my night stand and use it before bed!  It is so helpful to use for restful sleep at night, as it contains so many calming oils like Rue, Valerian, Lavender, Roman Chamomile and more.  I like to put a drop on my pillow!  This is great to add to your child’s diffuser before bed, or to rub on their feet or spine before they go to sleep.

Roller Tops

The technical name is ‘AromaGlide Fitments’, and you get 2 of these roller tops in the KidScents Starter Kit!  You can put these on top of any of your oils for easy application, TummyGize and GeneYus would be my top 2 picks!


You can order the KidScents Starter Kit here, and you will also have a ton of support with me when you order through that link! (that particular kit is under the “Other Premium Kits” tab)

Already a Member?

If you’re already a member but want a KidScents collection, you can order the new KidScents Roll-On Collection!

Young Living Kidscents Roll-On Collection

This FAB kit contains all the KidScents oils in super convenient roll-ons!  It contains an extra oil that the starter kit does not contain, the all new KidPower oil!  KidPower is basically Valor for kids… it’s Valor plus Vanilla plus Orange… YUM.  This oil is meant to help with confidence, courage, and positivity.  You will love it for all the same reasons you love Valor!

KidPower is also available separately in a 15ml bottle!  The other KidScents oils are also available separately.

If you have kids, these KidScents oils are a perfect addition to your mom toolbox.  Grab your kit today or contact me if you have questions.

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