Monday, September 28, 2020

The Red Drink – Sulfurzyme + NingXia Recipe

The Red Drink: Sulfurzyme and Ningxia Recipe

I recently came across this recipe for the ‘Red Drink’, and it is so easy to make!

What is the Red Drink? It’s a combo of NingXia, Sulfurzyme, and citrus essential oils.

Let’s talk about the benefits of each:

NingXia Red

NingXia Red is a superfood antioxidant drink.  It is a puree made from the whole NingXia wolfberry, so it is a whole food supplement.  The ORAC score of NingXia Red is 27,300!  In comparison, the ORAC of blueberries (which are very high in antioxidants) is about 4,700.  The biggest differences we’ve seen as a family in incorporating NingXia Red daily are increased wellness (we haven’t been sick with even the sniffles in over a year!) and increased energy.  NingXia also supports normal cellular health and eye health!  In my opinion, if you take one supplement, this one is it.  We take between 1-2 oz of NingXia Red each day.


The main ingredient in Sulfurzyme is MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), which is an organic form of sulfur.  Sulfur is the 4th most plentiful mineral in our bodies, and when you research the benefits of MSM, they are plentiful.  Increased immunity, support for joints, skin, hair, and nails, increased energy levels, and support for gut health are just some of the benefits of MSM.  Because sulfur is so plentiful in our bodies, it is critical for things to function properly!

Citrus Essential Oils

Citrus oils such as Lemon, Grapefruit, and Lime Vitality oils all offer benefits, including antioxidant properties, support for the lymphatic, circulatory, immune system, and more.

Recently I came across a recipe combining all of these awesome ingredients into a yummy drink!  The bonus is that I have been drinking more water!

Red Drink Recipe

1-2 oz NingXia Red

1/2 – 1 tsp Sulfurzyme

3 drops of a citrus Vitality oil (I love Grapefruit)

In an empty NingXia bottle, fill with water but leave room for your NingXia!  Add your NingXia, Sulfurzyme, and 3 drops of citrus Vitality oil, and shake. Drink throughout the day.

Below is a quick video showing how easy it is to make this powerful drink!

If you don’t have your own Young Living discount, you can get one here!


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