Monday, February 17, 2020

Walmart Grocery Pickup Review, and a $10 off Coupon!

 Walmart Grocery Pickup Review

I have used Walmart’s Grocery Pickup several times now, and I gotta say… I am IMPRESSED.  You know I take my meal planning and grocery shopping seriously!    I only learned about Walmart’s (free!) service when I bought something online at Christmas and had to return it in their store.  There were advertisements everywhere for the free grocery pickup, so I thought, Why Not?!  Since we moved out to the country, we are farther away from the grocery store we normally go to, and their grocery pickup had a service fee every time you used it.  This service has saved me time AND money, so I wanted to share my experience!

Favorite Things

Here are my favorite things about the Walmart Grocery Pickup:

  • Our Walmart carries a TON of organics, I am definitely impressed.  (There are a few things they DON’T have that I buy regularly, more on that below.)
  • Shopping is easy – use the app or your computer.  The app is easy for me since I can be in my pantry or looking through my fridge while adding items to my order.
  • The people that bring the groceries to your car at our Walmart are so very kind and friendly and professional.  I have never had a bad experience.  This is not always the case at my local grocery store.
  • You can approve substitutions if necessary before you go to pick up your groceries.
  • When your order is ready within your selected time frame, you get a text/email alerting you.  When you are leaving your house, you ‘Check In’ on the app so they know you are on your way.  This is SO helpful, because when you get there you don’t have to wait long!  At my local grocery store, they have missed my window before, and I have had to leave and come back because they weren’t ready in time, and I had to get my kids from school!
  • When you pull into the Walmart grocery pickup lot, they know you’re there, and all you have to do is click the parking spot number you are in and let them know the color of your car!  This freaked me out a bit at first, but it most definitely makes things extremely efficient.
  • By the time I pull up, wait for them, and have my groceries loaded, it’s never been more than 10 minutes, often shorter than that!  Definitely a time saver on a busy day.
  • There are many items that are cheaper at Walmart than my local grocery store, definitely a plus!

Room for Improvement

  • This isn’t the pickup service per se, but there always seems to be something they are out of and have to substitute.  It’s not a big deal, but I do wonder how close the inventory on their app is to their actual inventory.  So just be prepared for some substitutions to take place.  Keep in mind, they will always give you equal or more value! For instance, last time I ordered organic grass-fed ground beef (85/15), and they were out, so they substituted organic grass-fed ground beef (93/7), which was more expensive… but they give it to you at the lower price of your original item.
  • There are some organics that they DON’T have that I normally buy, such as organic cheese and yogurt, organic grape juice (for mixing in Mineral Essence and as part of our Wellness Routine!), and organic cookies, pretzels, and crackers.  So I do have to buy those somewhere else if I want the organic varieties.

Overall, I am extremely impressed with Walmart’s grocery pickup service.  Their app is simple to use, they have the vast majority of groceries we buy (including organics), and the pickup process is quick and efficient!  Do you use this service?  Do you love it?!  If you haven’t tried it but want to, click here for $10 your first order!

You’ll have to let me know in the comments your thoughts on this service!

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