Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Springtime Diffuser Recipes

Springtime Diffuser Blends

I don’t know about you, but once spring rolls around, I’m ready for some FRESH, NEW combos for my diffuser!  Here are some new springtime diffuser recipes for you to enjoy… these fresh scents are AMAZING!!!

Do you ever sit back and think how lucky we are to be able to breathe in these incredible scents from plants around the world?!!!  What a treat!

If you are ready to get the BEST essential oils in your home and have not yet, you can grab one of Young Living’s starter kits or reach out with questions!

Happy almost-Spring!

The post Springtime Diffuser Recipes appeared first on The Well-Oiled Life | Using Young Living Essential Oils in Everyday Life.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Lushious Lemon Thieves Cleaner

Lushious Lemon Thieves Cleaner

March has given me all the spring cleaning vibes!  There’s something about thawing out that just makes you want to clean everything and get ready for spring, isn’t there?!

Young Living’s Thieves Cleaner is the only cleaner I use in my house, not only does it smell great and you can make basically every other cleaner from it, it is SO AFFORDABLE!  One bottle of concentrate makes 29 bottles of 16oz all-purpose cleaner.  TWENTY-NINE!

Thieves on its own works and smells great, but about a year ago I learned a trick to make this cleaner NEXT LEVEL… add oils to scent it!!!  WOW!  It’s like a treat when it’s time to wipe down the counters, because everything smells so good!

In the Fall I shared my recipe for making Pumpkin Spice Thieves Cleaner.  Another of my favorite mixes is to add 10 drops of Christmas Spirit and 10 drops of Northern Lights Black Spruce… SO GOOD!

Today I’m sharing a recipe for Lushious Lemon Thieves Cleaner!  Have you tried Young Living’s Lushious Lemon Foaming Hand Soap?!  Oh my.  Bath and Body has nothing on this soap!!!  The scent is amazing.  And you can make your Thieves Cleaner smell like Lushious Lemon, too!

Lushious Lemon Thieves Cleaner

In a 16oz bottle combine:

  • 1-2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 10 drops each Ylang Ylang, Lemon Myrtle or Lemon Verbena, Lemon, and Eucalyptus Radiata
  • 5 drops each Spearmint and Cinnamon Bark

Fill with water, give it a quick shake, and spray!

I’m telling you, cleaning will feel a little more like a treat.  Adding oils to my Thieves Cleaner is one of my favorite things to do… probably because I feel like I am always cleaning, so you might as well enjoy it more, right?!

In related info, if you need instructions on how to dilute your Thieves Cleaner (sometimes I’d prefer to use ounces over ‘capfuls’), check out my post on How to Dilute Thieves Cleaner.

If you still don’t have this awesome cleaner, you can get wholesale pricing by grabbing it in the Thieves Starter Kit, or by getting a Basic kit and adding on the cleaner!  Contact me with any questions, and HAPPY CLEANING!


The post Lushious Lemon Thieves Cleaner appeared first on The Well-Oiled Life | Using Young Living Essential Oils in Everyday Life.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Young Living March 2021 Monthly Promotion!

Young Living March 2021 Promos

Happy March!!!  If you live somewhere where it gets cold in the winter, I sure hope it is warming up!  I am SO GRATEFUL for the sun and these warmer days!!!

Every month Young Living loads us up with free items simply for being loyal customers.  We purchase items we’d be buying anyway – toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, makeup, supplements and cleaning supplies, etc – from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, free shipping, delivery to our doorstep and product credits galore!

As a reminder how the promotions work, when your order reaches one of the PV levels, you get all the items at that level for free.  If your order is also your monthly ER order, you also get the ‘ER Exclusive’ item!

During the month of March…

  • 100PV – FREE SHIPPING!!!
  • 190PV – 5mL Copaiba oil plus free shipping! If your order is an Essential Rewards order you’ll also receive a free 15mL Lavender and 5ml Clary Sage!
  • 250PV – 5mL RutaVala oil blend, plus above promos!
  • 300PV – 5mL Idaho Grand Fir and 5mL Blue Cypress, plus above promos!
  • 400pv – If your order is an Essential Rewards order, you will receive a gorgeous Amethyst Roller, plus above promos!

Copaiba essential oil, 5 mL

  • Diffuse this calming oil; it pairs well with woodsy scents, citrus and clean, crisp oils like Tea Tree or Peppermint.
  • Add drops of Copaiba and Peace & Calming to a gentle epsom salt bath.
  • Add Copaiba to a roller bottle (pairs well with Panaway, Peppermint, Cool Azul, etc.) and apply to ease head, neck and muscle tension.

Lavender essential oil, 15ml

  • This original favorite is essential to diffuse when you need to create a serene space. I love it paired with Idaho Grand Fir + Orange, Valor + Frankincense, or Vanilla + Tangerine.
  • Add Lavender to your morning face wash. This is especially great for more oil-prone skin.

Clary Sage essential oil, 5 ml

  • Diffuse this herbaceous, floral aroma while you center your thoughts before a big project. Clary Sage pairs well with bright, citrusy oils like Lemon, Tangerine or Bergamot.
  • Combine Clary Sage with a massage oil to create a must-use duo when you need to decompress. Add a little Lavender for an extra boost!

RutaVaLa essential oil blend, 5 ml

  • Combine this blend with water in a spray bottle and spritz the calming aroma on your pillow after a hectic day.
  • Add 20 drops to a roller bottle, fill with carrier and apply to the bottom of the feet.

Blue Cypress essential oil, 5 ml

  • Create a DIY massage oil – a dab of V-6 carrier and a few drops of Blue Cypress. This is especially great for tired legs that have been standing or walking all day!
  • Add a drop of this crisp evergreen oil to your moisturizer to refine your complexion.
  • Pair Blue Cypress with Peace & Calming, Tangerine, Cedarwood or Geranium to calm the mind and support the emotions. Blue Cypress is a key ingredient in multiple emotionally supportive oils like Release and Sara!

Idaho Grand Fir essential oil, 5 ml

  • Make a roller to help feel grounded and focused:
    • 10 drops Idaho Grand Fir essential oil
    • 10 drops Orange essential oil
    • 5 drops Palo Santo essential oil
    • 5 drops Copaiba essential oil
    • 2 drops Clove essential oil
    • Enough V-6 or other carrier oil to fill bottle
  • Soothe sore muscles with a massage oil: 20 drops Cool Azul or Panaway + 15 drops Idaho Grand Fir essential oil + Carrier oil
  • Diffuse Idaho Grand Fir with Frankincense and Vetiver for an instant outdoors aroma. Or pair with Lavender and Tangerine for a calm, grounded environment.

Amethyst Roller

  • Bottle up your favorite blend in this gorgeous roller bottle and hand-letter a lovely name on the writable label! Here are some favorite combinations:
    • Clary Sage, Tangerine, Lavender
    • Lavender, Copaiba, Idaho Grand Fir, Tangerine
    • Blue Cypress, Lavender, Clary Sage, Tangerine
    • Clary Sage, Geranium, Lemon

ENJOY this month’s promos!!! If you still need to get started, check out Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit!

The post Young Living March 2021 Monthly Promotion! appeared first on The Well-Oiled Life | Using Young Living Essential Oils in Everyday Life.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

DIY Skin Serum with Essential Oils

DIY Renewal Skin Serum with Essential Oils

Face oils seem to be all the rage right now!  Did you know you can make your own face oil with your Young Living essential oils?!  There are so many fantastic oils for skin, and you can truly customize your recipe to your liking!

Skin-Loving Oils

There are SO many essential oils that are wonderful for skin, here is a list of some of my favorites:

  • Lavender
  • Frankincense
  • Blue Tansy
  • Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood
  • Rose
  • Manuka
  • Tea Tree
  • Geranium
  • Patchouli
  • Myrrh
  • Helichrysum
  • Purification
  • Copaiba

Carrier Oils for Your Face

There are a LOT of different carrier oil options for the face as well, each with its own beneficial properties.  I recommend doing some research on carriers to see what oil may be most beneficial for your skin.  Some are more moisturizing, some soak in better, some are best for oily or acne-prone skin… definitely do some research!  Here is a list you can start with (choose organic varieties):

  • Argan Oil (my daughter uses this on her teenage skin, and it’s perfect for her and helps keep her skin clear)
  • Rose Hip Seed Oil
  • Chia Seed Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Grape Seed Oil
  • Hemp Seed Oil


Whether you create your own recipe or find one on Pinterest, the options are endless.  Here are a few recipes to get you started:

Renewal Serum

In a 1 oz bottle: 10 drops each of Lavender, Manuka, Geranium, and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, and 5 drops of Rose.  Fill with Chia Seed oil.

Glow Serum

In a 1 oz bottle: 15 drops each of Lavender and Frankincense, 5 drops of Blue Tansy.  Fill with Jojoba oil. (can substitute Blue Tansy with Copaiba)

Clear Serum

In a 1 oz bottle: 10 drops each Frankincense, Lavender, Copaiba, and Tea Tree.  Fill with Hemp Seed Oil.


Have you made a skin serum yet?  Have a favorite recipe?  Please share in the comments!  And if you still need to get yourself the best oils around, you can get a discount on your Young Living oils buy grabbing a starter kit!

The post DIY Skin Serum with Essential Oils appeared first on The Well-Oiled Life | Using Young Living Essential Oils in Everyday Life.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

How to Make an Essential Oil Roller

How to Make an Essential Oil Roller

Making essential oil rollers is one of the most convenient ways to experience your essential oils, because rather than hunting around for multiple bottles, you can simply grab your roller and roll your combo on!

There are several reasons you might want to make a roller:

  • You like the way a specific combo smells, and you use it as perfume or as a pick-me-up (for example, Stress Away, Valor, Bergamot, and Frankincense!)
  • You are always diluting an oil, so pre-diluting it in a roller makes it more convenient to use (for example, pre-diluting Thieves to rub on the spine)
  • You use a specific combo of oils for a specific issue (for example, Peace & Calming and Lavender to use before bed)

First – Quality Matters

With essential oils, you get what you pay for.  There are no standards for essential oils currently, so if you’re just picking something up at the grocery store or even the health food store, there’s no way to know how pure or potent that oil is, or if it is even real essential oil.  I only and exclusively use Young Living because of their Seed to Seal standard.  Remember that just because you see a label that says ‘pure’, there is no standard for what that means, so you really need to know the company’s growing, harvesting, and testing practices!

So Easy!

Making a roller is so easy.  You simply add your essential oils to your bottle, and then fill the rest of the bottle with a carrier oil.  Pop on a roller top, and you’re ready to roll!

How Many Drops of Essential Oil?

This is just a guide, you can adjust up or down in terms of the number of drops you use as you see fit.  Standard rollerball bottles are usually 10ml in size, but you can also repurpose your empty 5ml or 15ml bottles.  Here is the guide I use for how many drops of essential oil to use:

  • Standard 10ml rollerball bottle: 20-30 drops of essential oil
  • 5ml bottle: 10-15 drops of essential oil
  • 15ml bottle: 30-45 drops of essential oil

What Type of Carrier?

My favorite carrier oils for rollers are Young Living’s V-6 or organic fractionated coconut oil.  You can use any high quality liquid carrier oil (fatty oil) you’d like, you just want to make sure it doesn’t have it’s own smell especially if you are making a perfume roller.  Other good choices are organic jojoba, sunflower, or safflower oil.

If you want a twist on your rollers, you can use Young Living’s Mirah Hair Oil or Mirah Shave Oil as your carrier (this adds a pretty, feminine scent) or even one of Young Living’s CBD oils to make your own CBD Roller!  You can also use any of the massage oils as a carrier!

Bottles and Rollers

The best 10ml roller bottles I have gotten have been from Etsy.  You can find good deals on rollers on Amazon, but I have gotten several batches where the rollers don’t roll properly.  My favorite bottles have glass or metal roller balls (not plastic), so when I’m on Etsy, that’s what I look for!  If you are repurposing your empty 5ml or 15ml bottles, Young Living’s Aromaglide Roller Fitments are AWESOME and work perfectly every time.  Highly recommend!

Don’t Forget to Label!

When I make a roller, I tell myself every. single. time. I will remember what I put in the bottle.  And EVERY time I forget what I put in the bottle, ha!  To make things easy for myself, I use and love this Dymo Label maker.  You could also use any type of adhesive label and cover it with packing tape so it stays on, or you could get some 3/4″ round labels and put them on the bottom of your bottles.  I usually only have room for a word or two on my label, so I will label it something like ‘Happy Day’ and then keep notes in my phone for what that recipe is.  That way when your roller runs out, you know exactly what you used.

Essential Oil Labels

Favorite Roller Recipes

There are literally endless roller recipes you can make, but I will share with you some of my personal favorites!  Recipes are for a 10ml bottle – add essential oils and fill with carrier:

  • Happy Day: 7 drops of Stress Away, 5 Valor, 5 Bergamot, 3 Frankincense
  • Bliss: 10 drops of Inner Child, 5 Grapefruit, 3 pumps Mirah Hair Oil or Mirah Shave Oil
  • Feelings: 4 drops of each of the Feelings Kit oils (Harmony, Forgiveness, Inner Child, Present Time, Release, Valor)
  • Calm: 7 drops each of Lavender, Peace & Calming, and Stress Away
  • Lovely (Perfume): 4 drops Vanilla, 4 Bergamot, 1 Jasmine, 1 Sandalwood, 1 Blue Tansy, 1 Rose, and 1 Northern Lights Black Spruce

Check out my Pinterest board for lots of roller recipe ideas!  And remember diffuser recipes make great combos for rollers, too (for example, if you see a ‘Focus’ diffuser recipe, you can turn that into a roller recipe).  Here is a short video showing how to make the Happy Day recipe:

Do you make rollers regularly?  Have any favorite recipes? Please share in the comments!

And if you still need to get your oils, check out the Premium Starter Kit or contact me and I’ll help you customize a bundle!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Getting Chickens: Picking Out Baby Chicks

Getting Started with Baby Chicks

Baby chicks!  With spring (hopefully) around the corner, lots of people are thinking about getting baby chicks, whether they are looking for chickens to produce eggs on their homestead or just have some outdoor pets.  I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would have chickens, but here we are!  They are a great addition to our little hobby farm out here, and they have been SO MUCH FUN.  They have a ton of personality, and we are constantly laughing at the goofy things they do.  And they give us LOTS of eggs!  I am certainly no expert, but we got chicks last spring and thought I’d do a little series here on the blog of what we’ve learned so far to help you along if you are planning on getting chicks, too!

Picking Out Chickens

In this post I’m going to focus on picking out chicks, because quite honestly that is such a fun part!  People choose different chicken breeds for a variety of reasons, including temperament, egg color, and what the chickens look like.  I personally didn’t have much criteria because in my mind *most* chickens are the same, right?!  Wrong, ha!!! We have 2 different breeds, and they are different in MANY ways!

Fun fact: The color of the egg depends on the breed of the chicken!

There are TONS of chicken breeds you can choose from, so if a certain trait or characteristic is important to you, just do some research!

Baby Bovans Browns

Where to Buy Chicks

When we started, we literally went to Tractor Supply’s Chick Days and got a box of 6 baby chicks.  The breed is called Bovans Brown, and it turns out they were a perfect starter chick!  From my experience of always visiting the chicks when I’m in the store, it appears they get a variety of breeds in, and this just happened to be what was there when we went!

You can also order chicks online through a hatchery.  We have a local location here in the Indianapolis area that orders from a hatchery, so that’s where we got our second batch from, which are Easter Eggers.  A lot of the hatcheries have a minimum number of chicks you have to buy because the chicks get sent through the mail (!), so by ordering through this local location, we were able to just order a few chicks since we got to add our chick order to theirs!  Hatcheries typically have a huge variety, and availability may depend on the time of year.  Examples of hatcheries where you can order online are Cackle Hatchery and Meyer Hatchery.

Hens or Roosters

We knew we wanted all hens/females, so we shopped for pullets (that is what young hens are called!). There are pros and cons to having a rooster, so you will have to decide.  A big pro is that they can help protect your flock from predators.  But a few cons are that they crow early in the morning and can be problematic if you have neighbors (I’ve seen several sad rooster owners have to find new homes for their roosters), they can be aggressive (although some can be very sweet!), and obviously they can fertilize the eggs so you could have potential baby chicks.  This can be a pro or con depending on what your plan is!  Some hatcheries even sell ‘rooster insurance’ in case you order all girls and they accidentally send you a boy!  We purchased all females.


Baby chicks themselves are inexpensive.  Our Bovans from Tractor supply were just a few dollars each, and our Easter Eggers (which lay blue eggs!) were $8 each.  It’s the rest of the supplies that account for the cost of having chickens, especially the coop and run!

Our Breeds

I can only speak to the two breeds we have, but here is a little about each.

Bovans Brown

Our Bovans are SO friendly, they love people, are very curios, and they are egg-laying champs!!!  Even through this first winter, their egg-laying hasn’t slowed down, and we don’t use any supplemental light (once daylight drops below 14-hours a day, egg production can slow.  We passed the shortest day of the year, and they didn’t slow down at all).  ISA Browns are a very similar breed from what I understand.  These really have been the perfect chickens for newbies like us.

Easter Egger

Our Easter Eggers are much more skittish and have never liked to be held (I asked around and this is very common for this breed), they are smaller and produce a little smaller egg, and they don’t lay eggs as consistently.  Their blue eggs are so pretty though, and each chicken is so unique looking – they come in a variety of colors.  Thankfully as they have gotten older, they like to be around us more, and they come running when we come outside!  We do love our little Easter Eggers!  But they still do NOT like to be picked up, which is very inconvenient when we try to round them up, ha!

One note… if you see Bantam Chicks, they are SO CUTE!  Bantams are basically a mini-breed of chicken, so they are smaller, and their eggs will be smaller.  But they are some of the cutest, tiniest chicks!

Integrating Our 2 Flocks

Getting our chicks about a month apart made it VERY difficult to integrate our Bovans with our Easter Eggers.  4 weeks is a big difference size-wise, so our Bovans bullied the Easter Eggers for a very long time!  Once the Easter Eggers got close in size to the Bovans, we just had to start leaving them together as we watched, to make sure no one was hurting each other!  Pecking order is a REAL thing!!!  In retrospect, if I was getting 2 different breeds, I would try to get all the chicks at the same time so they were similar in size and could integrate better.  There were some tough weeks in there as we were integrating them.

Time of Year

The last thing I want to mention is regarding the time of year you purchase chicks.  We live in Indiana, so our springs are still chilly, and our chicks outgrew their brooder before it was warm enough to put them outside in their coop.  We had to move them outside at about 8 weeks, and they didn’t have all their adult feathers yet, so we had to maneuver some heat sources for a bit because it wasn’t warm enough outside for them yet!  That was a pain and I would wait a few more weeks before getting chicks next time.  The end of April/beginning of May would have been a better time to get them all for our climate.

To Wrap Up

When you are deciding on baby chicks, you will want to decide which breed(s) you will choose, whether you are getting all females or if you want a rooster, where you will purchase them from, and you will need to take into consideration the time of year you are bringing them home.

I will be sharing about the supplies you need when you bring your baby chicks home soon!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Young Living December 2020 Monthly Promotion

Young Living December 2020 Monthly Promotion

December is here, and that means we have a new, AMAZING promotion! FREE FRANK is what we are all so excited about!

As a reminder of how the promos work, if your order reaches one of the PV levels, you get all the products for free at that level! Some promos are ‘ER Exclusive’, which means you will get those items if your order is your monthly Essential Rewards order (the most economical way to buy YL 😉)

  • 100 PVFree Shipping!
  • 190 PV15ml Breathe Again and 5ml Northern Lights Black Spruce (NLBS is ER Exclusive) plus above promo. Breathe Again normally only comes in a roll on, but with this 15ml bottle you can put it in your diffuser! This blend contains 4 types of Eucalyptus plus other respiratory-supporting oils and really helps you breathe clearly! It can be rubbed over sinuses or lungs as well, or put a few drops in the bottom of your shower to help you breathe deeply in the morning. Northern Lights Black Spruce is just awesome and one of my favorite single oils. Being a tree oil, it is extremely grounding… so if you are feeling flighty or your mind is spinning, NLBS is a great choice. I regularly huff this out of the bottle, and it combines well with so many oils in the diffuser! One of my favorite diffuser blends is NLBS, Palmarosa, Lime, and Grapefruit.
  • 250 PVMini Travel Diffuser plus above promos – Add 3-5 drops of oil to the ceramic and enjoy this portable diffuser! I’m going to keep mine at my workspace at home that is constantly changing!
  • 300 PV – 15ml Frankincense plus above promos. Check out the price of Frankincense and see why we all get so excited when this is free! Frank is so great for the skin. It’s awesome for focus (try some on the crown of the head or the back of the neck), for nervousness or tension, and even for sleep. Frank definitely has it’s own fan club because it’s so amazing!

If you have not yet gotten started with all that Young Living has to offer, grab a starter kit and get your discount so you can start supporting your family’s health in one of the best ways possible!